Welcome back to another one where we are going to be looking
at the top seven coding books that I recommend. So today we're going to be doing
the top seven coding books.
So let's get into our list here. These are in no particular order. So let's jump in a book. Number one.
The first book we have is
Problem solving with C++ by Walter Savage.
This book is meant to be used in a first course in programming and computer science using the C++ language. It assumes no previous programming experience and no mathematics beyond high school algebra. All of the material from the ninth edition remains, but with the following enhancements:. 10 new Programming Projects, Five new VideoNotes, and Correction of errata and edits for clarity.
The "Prerequisites" section explains what material needs to be covered before each section in that chapter. Classes and the basic material on arrays and recursion may be moved to later in the course. This material covers all control structures, function definitions, and basic file I/O.
This edition is fully compatible with compilers that meet the latest ANSI/ISOC++ standard. The material needs to be clear and correct when read by an instructor or student. This bookuses only libraries that are provided with essentially all C++ implementations. It does not require any nonstandard libraries. Even if they are not part of a course, it is good to have them available as enrichment material.
For instructors, a comprehensivegradebook tracks correct and incorrect answers and stores code inputted by the student for review. For students, the system automatically detects errors in the logic and syntax of their code submissions and offers targeted hints that enable students to figure out what went wrong and why. MyProgramminglab is offered to users of this book in partnership with CodeLab, the makers of the CodeLab interactive programming exercise. Self-Test Exercises
Note: This site doesn’t own any file. All credits goes to the specific publishers, specific Writers of the book. IhtreekTech is just an Index of books available online.
Javascript & Jquery interactive front-end web development by Jon Duckett
This book explains how JavaScript can be used in browsers to make websites more interactive, interesting, and user-friendly. You will also learn about jQuery because it makes writing JavaScript a lot easier. To get the most out of this book, you will need to know how to bui ld web pages using HTML and CSS. Beyond that. no prior experience with programming is necessary. Learning to program with JavaScript involves:
- Understanding some basic programming concepts and the terms that JavaScript programmers use to describe them.
- Learning the language itself, and, like all languages, you need to know its vocabulary and how to structure your sentences.
- Becoming familiar with how it is applied by looking at examples of how JavaScript is commonly used in websites today
Introduction pages come at the beginning of each chapter. They introduce the key topics you will learn about.
Reference pages introduce key pieces of JavaScript. HTML code is shown in blue, CSS code in pink, and JavaScript in green.
Note: This site doesn’t own any file. All credits goes to the specific publishers, specific Writers of the book. IhtreekTech is just an Index of books available online.
JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford
This is a book about the JavaScript programming language. The focus is exclusively on JavaScript, whichis just one of the languages the web developer must master. This book is not exhaustive about the language and its quirks. Instead, this book just contains the things that are reallyimportant.
With JavaScript: The Good Parts, author Douglas Crockford identifies the good and bad parts of the programming language. This authoritative book scrapes away these bad features to reveal a subset of JavaScript that's more reliable, readable and maintainable than the entire language as a whole. When Java applets failed, JavaScript became the language of the Web by default, making its popularity independent of its qualities as a programming language independent.
In general, you may use the code in this book in your programs and documentation. Selling or distributing aCD-ROM of examples from O'Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing thisbook and quoting example code does not need permission.
This book touches only very lightly. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. The API of the browser's Document Object Model (DOM) is quite awful, and JavaScript is unfairly blamed.
Note: This site doesn’t own any file. All credits goes to the specific publishers, specific Writers of the book. IhtreekTech is just an Index of books available online.
Java™: A Beginner’s Guide, Third Edition by Herbert Schildt
This book is a step-by-step guide to the fundamentals of Java programming. This book focuses on Java's most advanced features, such as multithreaded programming, generics, and applets. Java is more than just the elements that define the language.
The original release of Java 1.0 in 1995 by Sun Microsystems caused a revolution in programming. Over the years, Java continued to grow, evolve, and otherwise redefine itself. Java has gone through several upgrades, somerelatively small, others more significant. The latest version of Java is J2SE 5. This languageis, of course, Java.
The Java 2 Platform Standard Edition marks the beginning of the second Javarevolution. Sun elected to increase the version number to 5 as a way of emphasizingthat a major event was taking place. The current product is called J2SE 5, and the developer's kit is called JDK 5. Others, such as autoboxing and auto-unboxing, alterthe semantics of the language.
Note: This site doesn’t own any file. All credits goes to the specific publishers, specific Writers of the book. IhtreekTech is just an Index of books available online.
Who Is This Book For?
The goal of this book is to bring you up to speed with Python as quickly as possible so you can build programs that work—games, data visualizations, and web applications—while developing a foundation in programming that
will serve you well for the rest of your life. Python Crash Course is written for people of any age who have never programmed in Python before or have never programmed at all. If you want to learn the basics of programming quickly so you can focus on interesting projects, and you like to test your
understanding of new concepts by solving meaningful problems, this book is for you. Python Crash Course is also perfect for middle school and high school teachers who want to offer their students a project-based introduction to programming.
What Can You Expect to Learn?
The purpose of this book is to make you a good programmer in general and a good Python programmer in particular. You’ll learn efficiently and adopt good habits as I provide you with a solid foundation in general programming concepts. After working your way through Python Crash Course,
you should be ready to move on to more advanced Python techniques, and your next programming language will be even easier to grasp. In the first part of this book you’ll learn basic programming concepts you need to know to write Python programs. These concepts are the same as those you’d learn when starting out in almost any programming language. You’ll learn about different kinds of data and the ways you can store data in lists and dictionaries within your programs. You’ll learn to build collections of data and work through those collections in efficient ways. You’ll learn to use while and if loops to test for certain conditions so you can run specific sections of code while those conditions are true and run other sections when they’re not—a technique that greatly helps to automate processes
Note: This site doesn’t own any file. All credits goes to the specific publishers, specific Writers of the book. IhtreekTech is just an Index of books available online.
Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node by SIMON HOLMES
The MEAN stack is comprised of MongoDB, Express, and Node. This book introduces each of these technologies, as well as how to get them working well together as a stack. It's a very practical book designed to get you comfortable with all of the technologies and how to use them together. The book doesn't teach HTML, CSS, or basic JavaScript; previous knowledge of these techniques is assumed. Throughout the book we build a working application, focusing on one technology at a time, seeing how they fit into the overall application architecture.
Chapter 1 takes a look at the benefits of learning full-stack development andexplores the components of the MEAN stack.
Chapter 4 provides a much deeper understanding of Express by building out astatic version of the application. Chapter 8 introduces Angular to the stack, and we'll see how to use it to build acomponent for an existing web page, including calling our REST API to get data.
By the end of part 1 you'll have a good understanding of possible softwareand hardware architectures. This is what part 1 is all about. By the end of part 1 you'll have a good understanding of possible softwareand hardware architectures for a MEAN-stack application, as well as the plan forthe application we'll build throughout the book. In chapter 1 we'll take a look at the benefits oflearning full-stack development in a bit more detail and explore the componentsof the MEAN stack.
Note: This site doesn’t own any file. All credits goes to the specific publishers, specific Writers of the book. IhtreekTech is just an Index of books available online.
iOS Programming The big nerd ranch guide
This book is designed to give you a working knowledge of Swift. At the halfway point of this book, you will understand these big ideas. The eventual goal is to know how to use every method of every class in every framework in iOS. There are hundreds of classes and methods available in iOS, and Apple adds more with every release of iOS.
This book assumes that you are already motivated to learn how to write iOS apps. We also assume that you have some experienceprogramming and know something about objectoriented programming.
In the first chapter you will need an icon foryour Quiz application, and we have one for you. Do the actual programming. You can read through a chapter first, if you like. But the real learning comeswhen you sit down and code as you go. You will not really understand the idea until you have written a program that uses it and, perhaps more importantly, debuggedthat program.
Each chapter addresses one or more ideas of iOS development through discussion and hands-on practice. For more coding practice, most chaptersinclude challenge exercises. Many chapters conclude with one or two For theMore Curious sections that explain certain consequencesof the concepts that were introduced earlier.
Note: This site doesn’t own any file. All credits goes to the specific publishers, specific Writers of the book. IhtreekTech is just an Index of books available online.
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